MCITTA Business meeting of April 22, 2016:  Minutes


Meeting called to order at 0840 by Chairman Vince Burdelski

Roll call of Board:  Board member Brower absent.

Minutes:  Minutes of September 2015 meeting read.  Amount of funds will be corrected and published at a later date.  Motion made by V. Burdelski, seconded by K. Ghovanloo to accept the minutes as read.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:  Report made by J. Parker.  Report was approved as presented subject to audit.

Monument Report: Harry Todd and Howie Kahn will meet with Monument Company to determine next step in development of Monument and report findings.

Unfinished Business:

2017 Gathering:  Don Mathis volunteered to chair the 2017 Gathering and suggested a Gathering in Washington D.C for May 10-15, 2017.  Motion made by J. Tortorici and seconded by K. Ghovanloo to have the MCITTA 2017 Gathering in Washington, D.C.  Motion carried

MCITTA Facebook Page/Adding an additional Administrator: Discussion ensued.

The board approved retaining Mary Ellen Bianchino (with her prior consent) as administrator of the MCITTA Facebook Page account and denied motion by Don Mathis/Doug Brower of making a Private Facebook page in addition to our MCITTA Public Facebook page.

New Business:

Nomination/Vote for 2016-2017 Board of Directors. Results are: Felix Conde was nominated and elected to serve as Secretary/Post Master filling the one open position on the BoD. Vince Burdelski, Jim Tortorici, Jack Parker and Keyvan Ghovanloo were retained in their present positions on the BoD.

2018 Gathering:  J. Haskins proposed New Orleans to be the site for the 2017 MCITTA Gathering.  Motion was made by V. Burdelski and seconded by J. Parker to have the 2017 MCITTA Gathering in New Orleans.  Motion carried.  J. Haskins will chair the Gathering.

Chairman Burdelski adjourned the business meeting at 1020.